Saturday, February 8, 2014

CVS Pharmacy, The Needle, And The Damage Done

I applaud CVS for making a decision to cease tobacco sales, but the pharmacy staff here are total wankers.  CVS continues to peddle highly dangerous and addictive narcotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, methamphetamine HCL, Soma, and other substances that cause far more deaths than heroin, cocaine, and bath salts combined.  Despite displaying a facade of being socially responsible, CVS is nothing more than the Nation's largest drug pusher.  Drugs such as Xanax, narcotic/APAP combinations, and amphetamines are no different than the shit for sale in Mac Arthur Park.  CVS policy of profit before health and safety has contributed to tens of thousands of deaths.  The pill monkeys here are no better or no worse than the pushers that sold Phillip Seymour Hoffman his fatal dose of heroin.  And they are assclowns to boot, especially the chubby rude pill jockey who looks like the spitting image of Kim Jung Eun in a pharmacist's smock.

I remember a time when my family purchased their narcotics and amphetamines from smaller neighborhood drug dealers and I liked that a lot better.   You got better and more personal service, everybody knew your name, and none of those back door shenanigans from the pinheads behind the counter at CVS Koreatown.

National Character: Truth or Fiction?

I hate it when fuckers make blanket statements about groups of people.  I read about some guy who tells people that he came from his mother when they inquire as to where he was born.  I tend to believe, however, in the concept of national character.  It applies to a certain degree, far greater than a slight majority.   It is not a bigoted worldview.  In any non-threatening gathering especially if food was being served, most people would agree with many assertions as to their national character with much laughter.   I would like to share some observations that I have made about certain groups of people that I have had the pleasure to meet and chat with over the course of my lifetime.

I would like to begin with people from El Salvador.  At the outset, I would rather do business with a person that hails from El Salvador more than any other country in the world.  Guatemalans and Mexicans are also people that I like to do business with.  People from El Salvador are almost uniformly kind, humble, honest, and sweet people.  The majority I have met are hardworking, reliable, and polite.  Like most Latinos, they are totally into their families.  Despite suffering the devastation of being the primary proxy battleground of the Cold War, Salvadoreans have a remarkably positive and courageous attitude and national character.  I respect the Salvadoreans that I have had the pleasure of meeting, and always ask them to tell me about what transpired with them during the Civil War.  Both sides talk about similar atrocities, but seem to have a remarkable ability to move forward and work towards the present and the future without forgetting the past and being determined not to repeat it.

They have a strong, mighty national character, especially considering that El Salvador covers approximately the same area as Los Angeles County.  I predict that after drugs are legalized, El Salvador will become the crucial link in the chain between the two continents.  The potential for the country to become a financial powerhouse like Singapore is definitely in the cards for these guys.  I see how many Salvadorean families push their kids as hard as Koreans in school.  They are smart and cultured.  Shame on other Latinos who talk shit about our Salvadorean brothers and sisters.  We are all in this together and should never talk shit about one another, as we have much more in common than apart.

Salvadorean food, however, is repulsive.   The Salvadorean contribution to world cuisine, the pupusa, is a terrible griddle cooked thick corn tortilla mixed with pig skin and shitty cheese.  Curtido, a sort of cole slaw is pretty good as are the black beams and rice.  Fresh fish is available at the beach and lobster is available at La Libertad.  Everything else is bland, tasteless garbage.  

People from the Philippines are the sweetest people and are so friendly and smile a lot.  They have colorful nicknames like Bong Bong and Angel Baby Girl.  Their culture is remarkably diverse as there are so many different regions, tribes and local customs.  But I have never met a person from the Philippines that was not totally kind to me.  Furthermore, when I have fucked up a little in business, they seem to have mechanisms built in to allow one to save face.  They are smart and colorful.  I used to think the food was repulsive, but it was only because I had only eaten at places like Barrio Fiesta, Nipa Hut, and other places with a steam table and pre-cooked food.  My opinion changed when I ate homemade chicken adobo, rice, pancit, and some other fine foods.  The chicken adobo may have been the very best chicken dish I have eaten in my life!  The people I have met from the Philippines seem to appreciate a bargain, and like to haggle.  I do too.

People from Armenia are awesome and there is a huge Armenian community in Hollywood and Glendale.  Armenian Cuisine is certainly in the top five or maybe even in the top three of world cuisines.  Armenian parties are the best parties I have ever been to, hands down.  The food is so abundant, and so wonderful, it is impossible not to overeat.  Your Armenian hosts are going to be the most hospitable hosts you will ever encounter anywhere.

The first course at an Armenian party is going to consist of cheese, fresh mint, onions, pickled turnips, turnovers, pita bread, radishes, and a bottle of brandy for every man.  The second course is going to be 5 or 6 different cold and hot mezzas, all executed perfectly with the freshest and most delicious ingredients available.  Cooked with love.  Grape leaves, kebabs, quail, fish, may come out next.  In all, there may be 10 courses.   All of them are going to make your toes curl they are so tasty.  There are different kinds of Armenians.  Some are more like Russians, some are more like Lebanese.  We are lucky to be invited to their weddings, christenings, and birthdays.  Our Armenian Brothers and Sisters rock and their national character is pretty strong in the food and hospitality area.  They are true masters at that.

Because I could go on and on, I will stop here and do another post at a later date covering some observations on Koreans,  Iranians, and maybe people from Vietnam.  Cheers!