Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The murder of my brother in 2011 made me determined to get my life back from the things that were siphoning off my health and happiness. Diet and drug consumption were the biggest culprits besides lack of exercise. Do not think for a moment that I am advocating sobriety, but prescription drugs and alcohol are not going to be part of any fitness program. By prescription drugs, I am specifically talking about benzodiazopines, narcotic painkillers, amphetamine type stimulants, and z drugs. You must sever your relationship with your doctor feelgood. No doubt he will still be around later on if you come a looking. Alcohol must be eliminated entirely if you do not have a healthful relationship with it. For sure, you know what kind of relationship you have with alcohol. I do not advocate AA which has a terrible success rate unless you are attempting to get laid. Stop it now, and don't look back. The drugs are more tricky and benzos should be tapered off slowly over the course of about a year. You can die if you try to be a hero and do this too quick. Painkillers need to go right away. They will only set you back. Stop taking Adderall, Dextroamphetamine, and Ritalin. These drugs can cause you to stay up all night, have a stroke and masturbate compulsively. I hear. You don't need that in life. The endorphins you will feel and get addicted to during exercise are much better than anything you can get from a Medical Doctor. Unless your doctor sells MDMA, LSD and shrooms. I can't remember where the fuck I left off on the other blog entry, but I think it had something to do with being formerly fat. I think I would like to comment a little about the current growth of the food culture and what it means to our collective health. I love reading about food on Yelp, and dig it when a young person is really into food. I am overwhelmed with emotion for these knowlegable and enthusiastic young people who really get into it. But I have to say, everything in moderation, but especially fat and delicious food. Vegan diets work well and are sensible for long term weight loss. You do not have to be 100% vegan, but it will serve you well to eat a lot of beans, rice, and vegetables and very little dairy or meat. There is nothing wrong with fish in my book. Sardines are a great food and I eat them daily. But it is the vegan dishes that are going to power you up the hill. You cannot eat meat and dairy all willy nilly without feeling sickness. All of that stuff is going to slow you down. I believe in allowing yourself the Double Double at In n Out Burger or the kalbi at Parks BBQ. All I am saying is that you can only afford to do this a couple of times a month. I applaud you for being so into food. Finally, it is probably sensible to get rid of your TV. Nothing they sell or try to sell on there is necessary and you will get on the trail more.