Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Where are the handcuffs for Mark Ridley Thomas?

I never trusted Ridley Thomas.  I used to live over on Vermont and Jefferson, and for a little while there, he was my City Council person.  I communicated with his office on a frequent basis back in the early 1990's, usually via US Mail.  Sometimes I got a reply or call from one of his aides.  The majority of my letters were ignored.

At the outset, I tend to look at most African Americans who obtained an advanced degree at USC prior to the year 2000 with a great deal of distrust.  It is for a good reason, and that reason is that many were awarded a degree that was not based on merit.  In my professional career as an academic librarian, I worked with several people who attended the now defunct USC School of Library Science.  Some of these people were advanced to candidacy not even knowing how to spell at a fifth grade level.  I know Ridley Thomas is no intellectual powerhouse, especially when I see that he earned a doctorate from that clown college.

In 1992, after the riots, I noticed that Ridley Thomas was working side by side with people high up in the Nation of Islam.  He had this one guy call me up in response to a letter that I had written to him supporting my Korean neighbor who happened to be the owner of a liquor store that they were agitating to close under the guise of alcohol being bad for Black people, the neighborhood, a crime magnet, and some other tripe.  I don't customarily talk to white supremacists and feel about the same as the black ones.  When the Nation of Islam guy got on the phone, I started asking him questions about Wally Fard, the con-artist that invented their pseudo-islamic horseshit.  Then I asked him if I could get him to smuggle me aboard the Mother-plane.  I asked him if they should instead call it the "Brother Plane. " He did not find my questions to be one bit amusing.  I asked him what prison he had been in, and then he hung up on me.  NOI is racist and divisive.  I would just assume talk to a representative from the Aryan Brotherhood.

So fast forward a little bit to the point in time where he becomes the most powerful Black politician in California.  He uses his position to remodel his garage at taxpayer expense is what we know for sure, but where is the FBI and the Obama Justice Department?  Clearly, he is getting a free pass.  Just like that free pass that SC gave him.

America is on the precipice of disorder.  When the top Uncle Tom can't keep his paws out of the cookie jar, then what is everyone else going to do?  What a great example he has set.  Now get the fucking handcuffs and put this ass-clown in a cell in Parker Center!