Monday, July 1, 2013

Griffith Park 7/1/13

This morning, Griffith Park was pretty hot and sticky. My daughter and I headed up the West trail, and then up the ridgeline to the top of the mountain. Running down, it dawned on me that so far, this was the hottest morning of the year, and that the end of the Summer is going to be a scorcher. As the temperature increases, I usually head to higher ground such as the Greater Mt. Baldy area or in the alternative, Topanga State Park is normally 10-15 degrees cooler than Griffith Park during peak summer hours. When I began hiking in Griffith Park a couple of years ago, it took me a couple of hours to reach the top from Los Feliz Blvd. These days, my average times hover around 45 minutes round-trip. If you are just beginning an exercise regimen, take it easy and climb these hills at your own pace. It is not a race, and you are not going to get results if you push yourself so hard that you injure yourself. Happy Trails.

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