Saturday, October 26, 2013

More About CicLAvia

I applaud this event which proves that people can be drunk, civil and good to each other on two wheels. It builds a sense of community among Angelenos, promotes health and fitness, and advocates a clean environment. These are things we can all agree on. In Los Angeles before the automobile, a lot of people assume that things must have been really easy and environmentally friendly. But that was not the case at all. People's horses urinated and defecated in the dirt streets of Downtown and when it rained, this mixed with the mud and, according to most sources, it smelled pretty foul down there. Men and women wore boots and had to scrape the horseshit off using the high curbs on the sidewalk. It was not very pleasant. I advocate a car-free Downtown Los Angeles and support many major streets being closed to private motorized vehicles. Now that we have technology that is cleaner than both cars and horses, it is high time that we stop getting drunk on oil every single day and directly supporting repressive dictatorships like the Saudis by purchasing their petroleum. CicLAvia reminds me of how much nicer things would be in this great city with the absence of private vehicles. Bicycle and pedestrian access should be facilitated at least to the extent that it is in Amsterdam, and a people mover or a street car should be readily accessible in most areas of Los Angeles County to reduce congestion, pollution, property damage, and bodily injury caused by motor vehicles.

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