Saturday, October 26, 2013

Roach Genocide at United Industries

The cockroach is an amazing animal. Perhaps the most amazing animal on earth. Certainly roach societies are better in many ways than human societies. They are more durable, humane, organized, efficient, and leave far less waste. Most importantly, they work together as a team and do not kill each other. Like the majority of Americans, they also eat garbage. When you see one in your kitchen, you had better believe that there are at least a thousand of them in your crawlspace. Roaches are positively thigmotactic. Think swarm. There are different types of roaches, but my building seems to be infested with the German and Oriental varieties. They are nocturnal. They wait for you to go to sleep and then raid your territory and contaminate your food supply. They watch you. They attack. They are not good for your asthma, either, that is for sure. This company manufacturers boric acid AKA roach kryptonite. It is relatively non-toxic to humans, but to roaches, it is death by chemical warfare. Attack back. Just dust it into your crawlspaces and put a fine layer in the cabinets and all over the kitchen. In a few days, the roaches will have eaten some of the deadly powder and have taken it back to their brethren. Prepare yourself, because for the next ten days, a thousand roaches are going to make a mad dash to your kitchen in a feeble attempt to recover from the effects of the boric acid that you have strategically placed in your kitchen. The Oriental ones will die first, but the German ones are a little tougher vill continue fighting and coming out of der bunker for a couple of extra days. Thanks to United Industries and their wickedly effective roach killer, you can stage your very own cockroach genocide. You can be a real cockroach Pol Pot.

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