Showing posts with label cocksuckers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cocksuckers. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Los Angeles County District Attorney

The District Attorney prosecutes felonies throughout the County and misdemeanor cases in un-incorporated areas of Los Angeles County. They do not help baby's mamas collect support any longer. Our very first District Attorney was named Will Ferrell and the last one was a raging alcoholic with the complexion of an orange peel by the name of Steve Cooley. I would like to give Jackie Lacey the benefit of the doubt, but you have to acknowledge that she came up in this terrible organization. Any African American who works for the District Attorney is a motherfucking tom. I started paying attention to this office when Ira Reiner was at the helm trying to make headlines with the sensational (bogus) Mc Martin Pre School case in the 80's. Fast forward to Garcetti losing the OJ trial. At around this time, I gained access to a constantly changing treasure trove of official documents that have given me a unique perspective on this office. The names Van de Kaamp and Philbosian sound vaguely familiar. I have noticed that the attorneys that work here have some serious ethical shortcomings. It is the policy of this office to withhold exculpatory evidence from criminal defendants and it is condoned and encouraged at the management level. Lacey seems to have acknowledged this from the outset. I commend her for it but it is too little, too late. The Public has already lost faith. Forgery and perjury are the order of the day. Many of the deputies are the type of people who would trample over your body in a disaster to save their own skin. When the largest open air drug market in town is located adjacent to Parker Center and with the tally of murders in Los Angeles currently at 355 (as of 8/5/12), it is clear there is a crime problem. Much attention is focused on corruption in the LAPD and the LASD but most of their employees are clearly decent individuals who do a decent job. The DA's office is permeated with a culture of filth like the Catholic Church is permeated with pederasts.