Monday, November 18, 2013

Little Sis

Located directly across the street from the most sinister fucking clown you will ever see in your life lies this little gem of an Armenian bakery. The lahmajune here tastes like it was made by the hands of god. I got some of these and ate the first one literally seconds after it came from the massive oven. The dough is so wonderfully light and perfectly cooked, it could bring a tear to your eye. It reminded me of my grandmother's homemade flour tortillas crossed with the dough at Pizza Mozza. The meat and tomato mixture spread on top is well seasoned and has a pretty nice garlic kick to it without being overpowering. My original plan was to take them home but I ended up eating three of them in the car in the parking lot and another on the freeway. They are only 90 cents each. I could just picture getting high and eating thirty or fifty of these treats. We got some other stuff, and I had the chance to briefly talk to the kind and helpful lady behind the counter. She showed me the egg and cheese concoction baked to order on top of some delicious looking dough. Although I don't get over the hill to often, it is places like this that make Greater Los Angeles great.

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