Saturday, October 26, 2013


I was in Santa Monica yesterday, and I saw the DPLA table and was asked by the nice lady sitting down what I thought about Obamacare. I am all for government subsidized medical care. Obamacare is way too watered down for me. If the personal property of the richest 10% is confiscated and the military budget is gutted like a tuna, then there will be plenty of money for medical care. But Obama care is a poseur program plain and simple. At the outset, my political affiliation is to the left of the left. That is why I cannot remain silent when my party has presided over the largest expansion of domestic spying in the history of the nation. And when confronted with PRISM, and the annihilation of the 4th Amendment, our president lies and makes a feeble attempt to justify spying on us without a warrant and recording our keystrokes and tries to convince us that we are safer as a nation because of it. All that talk about transparency was just a big crock of shit. In addition to being opposed to having the government spy on me, I have also found the extrajudicial murders that the president is ordering in Yemen and Pakistan to be in opposition to my Democratic values. I think that violating international law is not something that the Democrats should be supporting. Drone strikes are war crimes. I was born in the morning. But not this morning. Bradley Manning was convicted in a show trial by a kangaroo court. It is shameful that this happened during this administration. I thought that we voted for Obama to prevent a miscarriage of justice like this from happening. The Snowden affair seems like the perfect opportunity to do away with this bullshit spying, but old wolf in sheep's clothing Obama is acting just like Dick Cheney would if he were given the opportunity. Also, it appears to me that the Obama Administration seems to be making an even bigger mess of the Middle East. We should not be getting involved in other people's struggles. I don't support selling or giving arms to anyone, especially in such a volatile region. Each time someone dies as the result of an American weapon, it creates generations of bad faith and sets the stage for acts of terror directed at our interests. I voted for Obama to avoid this but I feel like he sold me down the river. Whenever I mention these things to fellow Democrats, the best answer they can come up with is that the Democrats are better than the Republicans. They ARE the Republicans. Meanwhile, the war in Afghanistan rages on and we are still the largest arms dealer in the world. Hope my hairy beanbag. I am changing my affiliation to decline to state.

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